It was a darkly lit night, the moon was asleep already, only the stars where sprinkled above. She was taking refuge from the unfriendly weather.
Quietly she sat in a corner of the small dank room close to the only small round hole in the wall, she looked through it and could only see some flickers of light in the valley below.
Fear got hold of her, she couldn't risk it again facing the world and its harsh realities, she stayed in, wishing and waiting for all to feel good.
Regret kept her company sooner than later, it reminded her of her past with detailed images, deeply engrossed in self pity and hopelessness tears began to well in her eyes, she wished she hadn't done all she did, she wished she hadn't made those errors...
She was unclad, bare and vulnerable, extremely beautiful but somewhat flawed ; Her Creator had carved her in perfection, she was a delectable epitome of a charm and femininity but she couldn't cope with her imperfections; Life hadn't being gentle and kind, so much she had to bear.
In bitterness, she felt gross maltreatment , life truly hadn't been fair enough to her. Her eyes flooded with tears too long that she couldn't realise that someone was approaching, soft footsteps like a tiptoe...
Scared, she thought she had to run out of the other door into the balcony and out.
Too late, He caught her just as fast as lightning before she could leave the room.
Not looking at the stranger's face, she fought for her freedom, she struggled and cried a river let go of me! She yelled but He held on to her firmly... She must have thought He would ravish her.
Let go of me, I gave you a chance before and all I got was a mess of myself
Looking out, she could see the lights down the valley flickering, It seemed as though they beckoned on her, she badly needed to get away from this stranger. She kept fighting and hitting.
He handled her with care, holding her firmly but gently, He knew she didn't know who He was, He knew she probably was traumatized, He sure knew she was bare and ashamed but He still held her in spite of herself.
I won't hurt you and you never gave me a chance before, No! Not me.
She stopped for a second, the voice was serene, calm and as balm to her pains. His voice did the magic, it seduced her to stop fighting. She shut her eyes tightly as he turned her to himself, she was scared of the unknown.
He brought her head to rest on his muscular chest, she just let him do it, He wanted her to listen to His heartbeats... She sniffed quietly and hush! His heartbeats spoke words to her, sweet immortal words that only two surreal hearts can comprehend.
He took her face in his hands and stared intently into her brownish ash pupils, that sparkling hypnotic eyes of her, making her realise that Regret had starved to death when she no longer gave it attention and her past was over. Her present mattered most.
Her full round lips danced to a smile as she inhaled His breathe, twas fresh and refreshing . Her heart sang as He pulled her into a warm embrace, she was lost in Him as she savoured this moment. Pulling off His winter coat He wrapped her with it.
Then she realised that it was LOVE, love had caught her despite her self and He was here certainly to make her better and safer. He lifted her off the wet floor and took her away to where she belonged, He knew she deserved to be a Princess because she was Strong in her weakness, and Beautiful but flawed•
Her tender, wounded heart bursted with great joy.