Thursday, August 11, 2016


Here are a few reasons why you should think twice when it comes to getting married earlier. No need to prevaricate, I would just go straight to the point.

1. It's a Life time Contract : When you say "marriage", you say "commitment". The great old book for Christians explains that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they must become one flesh. Note it said "a man " not a young boy, meaning we are referring to mature minds because commitment in itself demands Maturity. And the commitment in marriage is to be for as long as life goes on. No expiry date.
While wedding is a once in a lifetime event, marriage is a life time experience - observe the difference.

2. Wrong priorities : You have to set your priorities right. It is foolish to think you want a perfect guy/lady for a husband / wife because PERFECT SPOUSES only exist in the grave, so if you're marrying just for what you can see outwardly(looks),  your priorities need re-assessments.

Secondly, It's one thing to have a phenomenal wedding and another thing to have a successful marriage because most often I see a lot of people prepare meticulously for their wedding than they do for a successful marriage.
Some others get married because friends are getting married too, while others get married just to fulfil extreme sexual desires - all are wrong reasons to be married.

3. Restrictions abound : Marriage can provide a great deal of stability in a relationship, the emotional closeness and all. It offers many delights but has it's own share of restrictions, there are lots of things you wouldn't do while you have a partner. You can think of them right?
Also, there are certain disadvantages when you get married too soon. 

4. There are responsibilities to shoulder : The idea of absolute commitment frightens many, but if you really love who you love, commitment won't be a burden to you after all True Love bears all things, endures all things. 

Before negotiating marriage, you should have a decent job that can take care of your essential needs including your wife's needs too. Little wonder some women won't want to marry a pauper, that's because no one would be responsible enough to walk down the aisle with  a lazy man who can't fend for himself let alone his new family.

   Young people change as they grow, their values, principles and way of life ; statistics reveal that those who marry too early are much likely to be depressed quickly and seek divorce. Do not rush into a marriage or soon you will have yourself rushing out too.
A few years spent living as a young, single youth can give you precious experience that will make you more mature and better qualified to be a suitable mate.