Thursday, September 29, 2016


I recently read a phrase in one Chinua Achebe's novel, and it goes thus " proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten".

I constructed a reflected phrase :
"Proverbs are how God imparts wisdom on us without wasting too much words" .

In light of this, here are 10 quotes I hope would impart us with wisdom.

*Character is what a man is in the dark - Anonymous.

*Trust does not mean an absence of doubt, it means one has decided to overlook the doubt - Nathaniel Okolo (2016).

*What kills you is not what causes your heart to stop beating.... Its what prevents you from living.  - Anonymous.

*A good man apologises for the mistakes of the past, a great man corrects them - Anonymous
(this particular quote challenged me).

*He that trusts his heart is a fool - Jonathan Edwards.
(much deeper meanings).

*Adversity tests the sincerity of friends - Aesop.

*After all is said and done, more is said than done - Aesop
(less words more action.... Please).

*All persons ought to endeavor to follow what is right, and not what is established - Aristotle.

*An ant on the move, does more than a dozing ox - Lao Tzu.
(get of your butt and start doing something).

*By three methods we may learn wisdom; by reflection which is noblest, by imitation which is easiest and by experience which is the bitterest - Conficus.