Being part of the human race, one has to endure a lot, offences, disappointment, hurts, hate, destructive criticism etc.
The only way we avoid being hurt or offended is by deciding to stop living.
Well, the purpose of this writing is not to take you through a theory on how to handle offences. No!
There's just one purpose for this writing, one attitude you must learn - The attitude of Forgiveness.
I really want you to patiently and carefully read through this, it would help you definitely understand just one simple reason why you must forgive.
Grudges often wear us down unconsciously. It keeps you below the person you hate. You keep hurting yourself when you fail to forgive(your health, mental health gets affected bit by bit)
Your mind may let you think you are hurting the person who has offended you but that's fallacy; Imagine what hurt is done to me because you refuse to forgive me? None!
You inspire only hatred, sorrows when you don't forgive.
You would also find out that upon forgiving, you set a Prisoner free, to realise that prisoner is You!.
It's often not easy forgiving all the hurts or wrongs done to us but if we must live longer and feel better, Forgive, we must!
Some one wisely said "until you choose to make it an offence, it isn't an offence" understand that?
Now here's the crux of the matter
Forgiving a wrong done to you reveals your level of emotional intelligence.
A renowned physicist, Isaac Newton stated in his third law of motion "To every action there is an equal but opposite reaction "
Implication : Means to every Action there should be a Reaction ;
Equal but(or) Opposite Reaction : This implies that you choose to either give it back equally or in opposite.
Now an apt observer would conclude how emotionally intelligent you are by your equal or opposite reaction.
If someone lashes out at me and says all bad things he/she can think of to me. What is expected is an Equal but Opposite Reaction .
With my level of emotional intelligence, I choose to react in the Opposite not Equal (Newton gave me a choice).
That reaction depicts being calm and letting the person off, that doesn't mean the person is right or that I decided to be timid. No! I just operated on a higher level of emotional intelligence, I have shown a level of maturity in dealing with that person. Someone also said " Don't argue with stupid people because they would drag you down to their level and beat you there".
"Argue" is derived from the word "Argument "
In argument, there is an exchange of ignorance - D.K Olukoya
Now Forgiveness comes in, I had wisely chose to Forgive and let go over Anger, hatred, strife and name it.
You try to understand that that's the level that person is operating on and you refuse to get down to his level.
(Do not be quick to anger, anger dwells in the bosom of fools). Now you refuse to be the fool!
Resolve to operate on a higher level of emotional intelligence : Stop being bitter; hatred and unforgiveness makes the heart sick.
Bibii C•Johnson's Law of Emotional intelligence states " To every Action there is either an equal or an opposite Reaction, your level of emotional intelligence determines what reaction you put up". A derivation from Isaac Newton's third Law of motion.